• 6Fusion IT is a Utility, Operate it Like One.
    6fusion Delivers Actionable IT Financial Intelligence to the Modern Enterprise
  • AMP/Flexa https://flexa.co/ Flexa is now AMP/Flexa
  • Azadi Azadi - 300 Million woman are under house arrest once a month due to menstruation. Because of this many drop out of school, lose their jobs, etc. Azadi solves this debilitating issue by providing a biodegradable product while empowering these women with the opportunity to sell Azadi feminine napkins to their peers.
  • Bow Truss Bowtruss - CLOSED
  • Bundlar Bundlar: Augmented Reality Made Easy: Create, Publish & Measure Augmented Reality Experiences with No-Code
  • CFX CFX Alternative Investing - CFX Markets, a secondary market for crowdfunding assets, has an online market now open to the public.
  • Chester David (Closed)
  • CityScan CityScan - CLOSED
  • DigiBuild DigiBuild is a construction management software company utilizing blockchain technology to deliver unprecedented value to the global construction industry.
  • Donor Path Donor Path - Merged with Network For Good....see below.
  • EDOVO At Edovo, our mission is to provide meaningful access to education and self-improvement tools that can unlock the potential of every person affected by incarceration.
  • Frontier Mission Network "The Frontier Mission Network is a nonprofit organization serving the region’s national security sector, including research laboratories, startups and small- and medium-sized businesses, capital investors, and federal acquisitions authorities."
  • G2See G2See - provides a complete facial recognition framework that can be used for both B2C and B2B solutions.
  • G2T3V G2T3V is an early stage investment firm committed to financing and developing disruptive innovations.
  • GTL Project H.O. Clark sold to JUPITER
  • Kings Crowd Get help tracking and sorting through thousands of investment opportunities in the online private markets.
  • LIGHTSTREAM (formerly Infiniscene) Lightstream. Sold to the VITEC Group
  • Loot Labs We’re building the most exciting way to acquire digital collectibles.
  • MarkitX MarkitX - An Online exchange fueled by real time market intelligence for pre-owned IT equipment. Assets purchased by 6FUSHION.
  • Med Reality THYNG - Thyng brings the world around you to life by allowing you to create your own Augmented Reality experiences on any surface!
  • Mode Mobile Formally Current
  • My Short Track Use ShortTrack on any mobile device, from anywhere.One account to manage all of your leads, contacts, transactions, and closings.
  • NETWORK FOR GOOD Network For Good - Network for Good was bought by Bonterra
  • NUCURRENT Using inductive and resonant charging technologies, NuCurrent transforms electronic devices and how people experience them. Allow our superior wireless charging systems to revolutionize the way you do business.
  • PACKBACK Pack Back - 24hr College E-book Rental System that lets you rent college textbooks when you actually need them.
  • PEER REALTY merged with CFX
  • PHILO MEDIA Philo works with advertisers to create and distribute branded video content.
  • PLAYERS HEALTH Players Health - We provide athletic organizations with the essential medical information and injury reporting via our HIPAA compliant mobile application to manage the health and care of student-athletes.
  • POPULAR PAYS Popular Pays - Popular Pays. Sold to Lightricks.
  • RAISE Raise - Raise is a gift card marketplace where users can sell or buy gift cards online at a discount.
  • RETAIL AWARE Retail brands and their partners can boost sales performance and optimize their product displays to receive highest engagement.
  • RiseKit (formerly Solve Smart Cities) Our software creates smart cities in Underserved Communities by measuring job training & placement
  • Scholastica Scholastica - Peer review software that allows the student to manage and publish existing or lead open access moment in the field of starting a new journal.
  • SCIENCE ON CALL 24/7 Tech Support for Restaurants, just one text or call away.
  • SOCIAL CRUNCH (purchased by Style Seek)
    SocialCrunch is a consumer web application that is building a behavior graph of people on the Internet.
  • SPOT HERO Spot Hero - SpotHero is a parking reservation service that lets you find and reserve hourly, monthly, airport, and event parking at thousands of lots and garages across North America. When you book with us you'll get an instant prepaid parking reservation, backed by the SpotHero Guarantee. SpotHero is available in 300+ major cities in the US and Canada, and we've helped park 50 million cars since 2011.
  • StageBloc (purchased by First Screen)
    StageBloc - A digital engine that gives you the freedom to create, share and monetize yourself online.
  • STARCHUP Starchup - Starchup was sold to CENTS.
  • STYLE SEEK (purchased by RAISE)
    The intelligent recommendation site for style by helping you uncover your StyleDNA to shop brands and browse editorial content recommended just for you.
  • TECHNORI Technori - A “Starter” publishing & education platform in the world through curated content, events & a passionate network of starters.
  • TELNYX Telnyx - A new kind of phone company that delivers a la carte telephony services via an ecommerce experience.
  • WINOTE WiNote - allows brands to create their own social network for user generated photos and videos that can be leveraged across both online properties and physical locations.


Investing in Chicago Startups